Rice’s Theorem

“Any non-trivial property of the behavior of programs in a r.e. language is undecidable.”

r.e.(recursively enumerable) = recognizable by a Turing-machine


注:这里与原作者的图稍有出入,原作者将False Negatives放在了Truth下边,我认为是不对的,本图是按我自己的理解绘制的

虽然根据Rice’s Theorem我们无法实现一个perfect的静态分析,但我们还是可以实现一个userful的静态分析算法。
一般来说,如果说某一个静态分析算法是userful的,那他要么Compromise soundness,要么Compromise completeness

  • Compromise soundness(false positives)
  • Compromise completeness(false negatives)

A false positive is an error in binary classification in which a test result incorrectly indicates the presence of a condition (such as a disease when the disease is not present), while a false negative is the opposite error, where the test result incorrectly indicates the absence of a condition when it is actually present. These are the two kinds of errors in a binary test.


Static Analysis: ensure(or get close to)soundness, while making good trade-offs between analysis precision and analysis speed.

Abstraction + Over-approximation

静态分析可以分为may analysis和must analysis。
may analysis可以用两个单词来概括,分别是abstraction和over-approximation
abstraction是may analysis和must analysis两者公有的特性,既然over-approximation是may analysis的特性,那参考上图,under-approximation就是must-analysis的特性呗。

